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![]() Anzeigen Hey Leute! Ich hab vor ein paar Tagen folgende Email an EA geschrieben: Hello! I have two questions: Do you know why the game crashes after 10 minutes play time with a black screen although all hardware meets the requirements? And why sometimes the messeage appears that no dvd is in the drive although it is insert? I know many people that have one of this problem... Thanks in advance for a quick answer! Folgende Antwort hab ich bekommen: Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts. Sorry for the delayed response. Because of our new launch 'The Sims 3' we are getting a little higher than normal volume. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience that you have experienced with the game. Bildschirm wird schwarz This could be due to several factors.please make sure that you have ended background tasks to prevent program conflicts and free up resources for the game. Please click here for instructions: Online Help Answer Empty your Temp folder toprevent file conflicts. Click here for steps on emptyingyour Temp folder: Online Help Answer In order to best troubleshootyour issue, I'm going to need additional system information.Please send me this information from a program calleddxdiag.exe. To do this: For steps on how to sendthe dxdiag file using Windows XP, please follow the stepsbelow: · Go to Start -> Run. · In thebox, type the following: dxdiag · Click"OK" · Click the "Save All Information" button onthe first screen of the application. · Then ontop of the "Save As" box that pops up, select Desktop (ifit's not set to save there already), then clickSave. · Finally, attach the dxdiag.txt to youremail reply. For steps on how to send the dxdiagfile using Windows Vista, please follow the stepsbelow: 1. Click on the Windows Icon located on yourtaskbar. You should be able to see a Text Box after that. 2. Type the following: dxdiag 3. Click on"OK" 4. Click the "Save All Information" button onthe first screen of the application. 5. Then ontop of the "Save As" box that pops up, select Desktop (ifit's not set to save there already), then clickSave. 6. Finally, attach the dxdiag.txt to youremail reply. After we receive this file we cancontinue troubleshooting the issues at hand and hopefullycome to a solution. DVD wird nicht erkannt Also, if the disk is notrecognized after inserting it in the drive then please trythe following troubleshooting steps one at a time. 1. Check to see if there are any scratches,fingerprints, or marks of any kind on the disk surface.Something even as small as a piece of hair or a very lightscratch can cause this error. If you find any fingerprintsor debris try cleaning the CD or DVD with a soft cottoncloth. 2. If you do not find any scratches,fingerprints, or marks of any kind on your CD, try renamingthe Install Shield folder: - Double-click on theMy Computer icon. - Double-Click on the C: - Double-Click on Program Files then on CommonFiles. - Right-Click on the Install Shield folder. - Select Rename. - Rename it to InstallShield Old. - Start the installation again toreinstall the Install Shield components with the newestversion. 3. Also, if you have any virusprotection programs like Norton or McAfee, temporarilydisable them by right clicking on the icon in your systemtray in the lower right corner of the desktop and selecting"Disable" or "Exit". Please make sure you have ended allbackground tasks to prevent conflicts with other programs. - Hold down the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys at thesame time - Click the "Processes" tab. -Click on the gray bar in the middle column that says UserName to sort by user name. - Do NOT selectanything for SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE, or NETWORK SERVICE. - Click on anything besides EXPLORER and TASK MGR forthis User Name or other user names. - Click on ENDPROCESS - Repeat these steps until onlyexplorer.exe and task mgr.exe are open for this userprofile. Don't worry that you are permanentlychanging your system configuration; these applications willreturn when you restart your system. If you receive awarning for any of these, don't worry it is a standardwarning message and is expected. Please click "yes" andcontinue. 4. If the steps above did not work, trythese CD/DVD troubleshooting steps to prevent readerrors. Online Help Answer 5. If the previous steps didnot work, and you have enough hard drive space available,you can try copying the disk files to your hard drive andinstalling without the CDs. Make sure to follow the stepsbelow exactly as they read, or else the install may notwork. Online Help Answer If these steps fail, see ifyou can try to install the disk on another computer toverify the integrity of the disk itself. If setup fails onanother system, or you do not have access to another systemto try this on, you will want to contact our Warrantydepartment for a replacement disk. http://warrantyinfo.ea.com Please email usabout any significant change or development with your issue.Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused. Ifyou experience any further difficulties in this matterplease let us know. Should you require furtherassistance about this or any Electronic Arts games in thefuture please visit our web site and review our extensiveSelf Help knowledge base (http://support.ea.com). If there is anythingelse we can help you with please let meknow. Sincerely, EA RepSuzzane Player Relations Electronic Arts Sozusagen sollte man wenn der Bildschirm schwarz wird die PC Daten (wie man die bekommt wird oben beschrieben) an EA schicken. Vielleicht könnten ein paar von euch das machen und ich würd das dann weiterleiten. LG
Stärker als der Tod ist nur die wahre Liebe. ************************************************** ********************************** Wettbewerbe @Sims3Forum.de
Die wollen lediglich wissen ob dein System geeignet ist denke ich. Ich hab mit denen telefoniert und mein PC liegt weit über den Anforderungen, was mir auch bestätigt wurde. Es wurde gesagt, dass ich Mitte nächster Woche nochmal anrufen soll, da man dann bestimmt mehr über Fehler und Abstürze weiß. Sprich: Die haben glaube ich selbst noch nicht so wirklich Ahnung was diese ganzen Abstürze hervorruft...
Ich glaube dass EA so viel wie möglich Daten sammeln will um zu sehen obs irgendwelche Parallelen gibt.
Ich kenne das auch von meinem Job. Wenn wir nicht wissen wo der Fehler liegt und es viele User gibt, dann versuchen wir so viele Daten wie möglich zu sammeln um diese analysieren zu können.
Stärker als der Tod ist nur die wahre Liebe. ************************************************** ********************************** Wettbewerbe @Sims3Forum.de
Ich hab eine Website gefunden in der man sich eintragen kann falls man das gleiche Problem hat:
raccoon-production - Sims3Problem Die wollen das dann an EA schicken und somit zeigen wie viel User das gleiche Problem haben, damit EA schneller ein Patch raus bringt. Ich selber habe das Problem auch und mein PC liegt deutlich über den Systemanforderungen, wenn ich einen neuen Grafiktreiber installiere bekomme ich noch mehr Grafikfehler und Hintergrundprogramme brauchen bei mir auch nicht so viel Platz. Viele Grüße |
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bildschirm, bzgl, dvd, email, nichterkennen, schwarzer, spiel |
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